Geosyntec Consultants

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Geosyntec Consultants


Geosyntec Consultants is a leading consulting and engineering firm that operates throughout United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates, and Australia. Since our founding in 1983, Geosyntec has completed nearly 10,000 projects worldwide with an outstanding safety record. Our experience delivers on the potential of innovative applications of proven and emerging scientific and engineering technologies. Our staff of over 1,700 includes leading practitioners in the earth and environmental sciences; geotechnical, earthquake, hydrological, and environmental engineering; and construction management. 

Geosyntec Consultants is a leading consulting and engineering firm that operates throughout United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates, and Australia. Since our founding in 1983, Geosyntec has completed nearly 10,000 projects worldwide with an outstanding safety record. Our experience delivers on the potential of innovative applications of proven and emerging scientific and engineering technologies. Our staff of over 2,000 includes leading practitioners in the earth and environmental sciences; geotechnical, earthquake, hydrological, and environmental engineering; and construction management.


Brad Blase
Senior Professional

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Virginia Manufacturers Association
2112 W. Laburnum Avenue, Suite 205
Richmond, VA 23227

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